WerdGame Internationale

What can save the Euro? #WerdGame

Play the game. Save the world economy.

Thanks +Aldric Newberry!

Reshared post from +Aldric Newberry

Time for #Werdgame everyone!

Regular players, jump in whenever, there's no time limit..

New people that want to play, just make a word with the letter given, then make a sentence with the words you choose. PREFERABLY IN THE SAME ORDER AS GIVEN.

The theme is SAUCES in honor of an accident that happened moments ago to +Becky Gimbert ..



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4 Responses to WerdGame Internationale

  1. Dor Peep says:

    Ranch dressing and rooster sauce

  2. Kyla Myers says:

    You seem to have been AWOL from the games recently, Mr Cramer.

  3. Salvio Giglio says:

    Only the hand of God can save Euro and Europe! Our continet is too old and its people are too divide….

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kyla Myers Hard time keeping up with everything. I shall return!

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