What the Plus! well done book

I'm about half-way through it. I came in with the disposition of "another Google+ help book for someone to capitalize on" and you know what? It's really spot-on. I will recommend this to a couple family members that I think I can get to switch over. Even if you are an advanced G+ user, you may pick up a tidbit or two. For the time (it's a quick read) you will enjoy Guy's style. Plus, if you care about helping out others in the community, it will be a great reference.

Thanks +Guy Kawasaki for the post (and the book) and +Vicki Elam for the share.

Reshared post from +Guy Kawasaki

(Mon03) In 1983 I saw a Macintosh for the first time and fell in love. I loved Macintosh so much that I wrote a book about it. In 2011 I saw Google+ for the first time and fell in love again. And now for the second time in my career, I’ve written a book about a product: What the Plus! Google+ for the Rest of Us.

I wrote What the Plus! to help people understand and master Google+. I cover the essential Google+ skills: creating your profile, circling people, commenting, posting, responding to posts, hanging out, and sharing photos. Here’s what some experts had to say about the book:

“We didn’t expect over 100,000,000 people to join Google+ so quickly. If we had, we might have written a tutorial like this one. Lucky for us, Guy has written this wonderful introduction to Google+. Highly recommended!” Vic Gundotra, Senior Vice-President, Social, Google

“What The Plus is the G+ motherlode! Guy’s book will make you fall madly in love with Google+ and never look back!” Mari Smith, author of The New Relationship Marketing and coauthor of Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day

“People ask me why I like Google+ better. I struggle to find the words, but Guy Kawasaki not only figured it out but shows you how to get the most out of this new social network.” Robert Scoble, Rackspace videoblogger

My buddies at Samsung have sponsored free copies of the PDF version of What the Plus!. Go get it but act fast because there are only 1,000 copies:


Hope you enjoy it!

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11 Responses to What the Plus! well done book

  1. Halfdan Reschat says:

    I'd like to read this book, but I just can't seem to find a place where I can buy it as PDF. Is a purchasable PDF version really too much to ask?

  2. Vicki Elam says:

    You can download the pdf +Halfdan Reschat for free on the link provided on +Guy Kawasaki page.

  3. Kim Crawford M.D. says:

    Cool! Thanks for the info +Scott Cramer and now what I would like you to do is read it and then we can schedule a phone call and you can TEACH when you've learned to me;does that work for you LOL LOL?!

  4. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Vicki Elam, you are mistaken. The PDF was available until about 24 hours ago, when it expired.

  5. Vicki Elam says:

    Well dangit, sorry about that +Halfdan Reschat I must have gotten mine in the nick of time yesterday!

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    +Halfdan Reschat Dork. You should reallllllly check your private messages.

  7. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Scott Cramer, what do you mean "private messages"? I don't know of anything like that on Google+.
    If you're talking about the email you sent me, then I answered it less than 50 exactly 59 seconds after you sent it.

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    +Halfdan Reschat I rescind my entitlement of Dork-hood, sir. I just checked all notifications and e-mails and don't have anything from 'ya, though. Weird. I hate the G+ notifications. When I do click to view all notifications, as soon as I get back not quite 24 hours it skips back several days with nothing in the middle. Grr.

  9. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Scott Cramer, as it wasn't something on Google+ but rather an email I replied to, it should not have anything to do with Google+ notifications. Search your Gmail after "reschat" and see what you find that aren't related to Google+.
    (I've forwarded the mail to you again – and also remember to search your spam-folder. It should be there somewhere.)

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    All fixed. You apparently resemble spam. 😉

  11. Vicki Elam says:

    I'm glad you're enjoying the eBook +Scott Cramer and its really right on target! I've picked up quite a few gems and I'm doing my best to convert friends on FB to make the G+ jump! I'm almost done reading it and just love it!

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