When I see a black banana

The bananas got a bit too ripe for peanut butter and banana sandwiches. I let them go until they were black, then got out one of my Mom's old cookbooks and made banana bread and muffins tonight. I was only going to make the bread but I forgot to decrease the amount of milk in the recipe and didn't want to throw out everything that was already measured into the bowl so I just made a double batch. I was just shy on banana, but it worked out close enough. Warm + Butter = Yum. Tomorrow, I shall also add some strawberry or raspberry jam. Just because I can. 😉

#foodporn #recipe  

In album September 25, 2012 (6 photos)

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28 Responses to When I see a black banana

  1. Rod Thorell says:

    So, what you're saying is that you have enough to share?!?!?!?

  2. Gabriel Nepenthe says:

    I think of banana smoothies, but this might be better. 😀

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    +Rod Thorell Yup. Sitting on the counter here in Fort Wayne. 😉

  4. Rod Thorell says:

    I know from experience that is a 14 hour drive.  Could be there in time for high tea around 4:00PM.

  5. Jessica Witenstein-Weaver says:

    Nice idea. Yum;)

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    UPS ground and bubble wrap. Right +Kari Tedrick 😉

  7. Gabriel Nepenthe says:

    Hey, companies like UPS and FedEx have really expanded their services. They deliver ice cream now too. <3

    And the confectionery industry has embraced this pretty quickly:

  8. Mary C. says:

    Warm banana bread dripping with melting butter…mmmm heaven on earth!

  9. Scott Cramer says:

    +Mary C. Actually, heaven about one flight of stairs and five paces away from where I lie in bed typing. 😉

  10. Kimberly Chapman says:

    For the record, when your bananas start to go brown, you can totally throw them in the freezer, right there in their skins, and then when you've got enough for your favourite recipe, take them out, defrost on a plate for about half an hour (they'll drip a bit if there's any humidity), and then snip off the bottoms and squeeze 'em right into your mixing bowl.  Hardly any need to mash.  They'll be a bit brown and mushy/runny from the freezing (the outer peel will be completely dark) but it's entirely still good for baking.  In fact, I've found them to be better for baking after the freezing.

    If you're going to freeze for more than a few weeks, stick 'em in a plastic bag.

  11. Kari Tedrick says:

    +Scott Cramer would definitely wrap a muffin in bubble wrap.
    Now, just wrap four of them and rush deliver to the same address you sent the cookies….
    I love banana muffins

  12. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    yum! you are correct, +Mary C.! I did just that! 🙂

  13. Amy Gabriel says:

    Once you go black banana you never go back.

  14. Scott Cramer says:

    +Amy Gabriel Wah wah WAHHH!!!! Trombone sound effect goes here.

  15. Scott Cramer says:

    Need to find another recipe… although this is good, it's not the darker banana bread that I really really love. Perhaps it's the "tea bread" recipe I used? Unsure, I just used the first one I found in the cookbooks since I did not remember where Mom's old recipe was from. I will take a look at the other cookbooks. +Kyla Myers any good recipe suggestions?

  16. Kimberly Chapman says:

    I have a response for +Amy Gabriel but it crosses too many lines even for me.  Just wanted you all to give me a pile of gold stars for incredible self-restraint over here and that's not even part of the joke.

  17. Mellie B says:

    I have a couple I can send you, too 🙂

  18. Kyla Myers says:

    Der… +Scott Cramer! If you caught up with my posts you'd find TWO recent brown banana posts…one of which is an awesome banana bread recipe.

  19. Mellie B says:

    he's bad at that 😉

  20. Scott Cramer says:

    I'm trying!!! I promise promise promise! Let the plus-fluffing begin!

  21. Kyla Myers says:

    I have conveniently +'d you in the comments of the relevant posts. 😛

  22. Kimberly Chapman says:

    I recently caved and started a circle for people whose posts I want to always notify me.  The previous three commenters are all in it.  I got sick of missing stuff.

  23. Mellie B says:

    I did that too, Kim … #awesome

  24. Kimberly Chapman says:

    It certainly has made my red thingy go off even more…and I only have like 10 people in there.  Meep.

  25. Mellie B says:

    but at least there are emails, too 😀

  26. Kimberly Chapman says:

    Yeah I don't like those.  I have this account turned to not do notifications by email so when I see that inbox light up, it means I need to go pay attention to one of the six pages on which I'm a manager.  It's a pain in the ass that it's now lighting up for that circle. :/

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