Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles + Shel Silverstein = Awesome 😉
#tmnt  #teenagemutantninjaturtles  #shelsilverstein  #mashup  #tshirtdesigns Â
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+Mary C. +Mar Mai You know y.
Hehe, I wonder where Shredder is..
Oh! I love that book! Excellent mash up.
+Scott Cramer indeed we do… too well! 😛
"The Shredder" is attached to a small motor at the mo', working hard to destroy evil particles +Dirk Reul
HOW did someone think this?? Because its awesome and amazingly COOL! YAYAYAYAYYA!! HEhehehehhehehehe, it blows my mind how creative people can be!! I LOVE this!! I also love ALL and anything TMNT!! hehehehe!!
I could probably write an epic poem about how awesome Krang actually is XD