
Warning, requires actual reading…

A good commentary on the state of society and people that I read this morning by +Laurie Morrison.

I enjoy Google+ but anything that takes more than a second to digest gets washed downstream and lost way too quick. As I run into words I like, I'm going to start re-sharing them. Comments on the shared content should be left on the original post. -Scott


Reshared post from +Laurie Morrison

Just a commentary:

As I sit here watching the news, reading papers & listening to radio commentators (yes, I DO do that) it saddens me to think of all the things that are going on in the world right now. All of the unnecessary unhappiness, hardships & sadness all do to the greed & manipulations of a few and the acceptance & participation of the many.

So many of today's problems could be easily solved & not through government or higher taxes on a few. Through educating & informing each other. Giving each other a hand when down or struggling. Getting up & being active when we see somethings run amok. Speaking out when things are wrong.

Protests only have value when the message is delivered in a manner in which the message is HEARD & not overshadowed by the theater surrounding it. They only have value when the protests are against the actual things that are the issue rather than shadows of the real thing.

It so saddens me to look at so many people that are so angry & afraid, but not always thinking about what is the right way to go about things in order to garner the change that they seek.

In my humble opinion, we all need to be more self reflective, more pro active for ourselves & less dependent on others to "Fix" things for us. We need to have more empathy for those that can't help themselves, but in real ways & not follow the rhetoric designed to create a final outcome that misses the point entirely. We need to stop with the envy of others & if we want what someone else has, then determine within ourselves what WE must do to get it rather than take cause we want it or we THINK we "deserve" it. We must applaud, encourage & even demand excellence in ourselves & each other. We must reward & appreciate effort & achievement rather than punish & envy & it. We must also seek to teach our children to stand up for themselves, stand up for who they are & what they believe in, to work hard, that life isn't always fair, but it IS worth the effort even when things don't always work out as we want them too. We need to stop wasting our precious time blaming our circumstances on others & do things that will create change in ourselves & our lives & hopefully the lives & circumstances of others. This is my prayer for all of us & I pray that we all come to our senses sooner rather than later. That we show ourselves & each other just how special & wondrous each & every one of us are without the need to drag someone else down.

Just my 2 cents.

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3 Responses to [Words]

  1. Emilio Boronali says:

    Beautiful words !

    We always come back to the 'to change the world , start by changing yourself" stuff…

  2. Laurie Morrison says:

    Awww thank you +Scott Cramer I'm so pleased you too the time to read. 😎

  3. Sheila Garl says:

    A tad less reflective, but I was thinking similarly how few people I know who read for leisure time. Books, not articles or technical matter…I grew up with a family of readers, so this really stands out as a change in the world. Too many 'things'.

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